"LA FUGA necessaria"
Created and Performed By Eden Wiseman
Co-creator and performer : Alma Livne
Co-creator and composer: Ori Dvir
Developed in La MaMa Umbria International 2016 “Next Generations” Artists Program
Premiere at Spoleto art festival
in La MaMa Open's 2017 Cantiere Oberdan
Thanks to Adriana Garbagnati, David Diamond, Paolo Pannaccio and the Embassy of Israel in Rome - Italy
LA FUGA necessaria
A multidisciplinary performance of sound, movement and installation
Created & Performed By Eden Wiseman
Co-creator & Performer: Alma Maria Simon
Original live music: Ori Dvir
Premiere at La MaMa Umbria Open's, Spoleto festival, Italy 2017
Running time: 30 min
Photos by: Aviad Oren
When silencing us and frighten us, God forbid when we do not go with the flow - it is very dangerous. When lowering us downand creating a sense that what we do is worthless, meaningless and not relevant. There is no material reward, what we do is almost impossible. We have the body, the movement, we have colors and images, and we have ways to cover our opposing statement, but why? The situation is so chaotic it feels that we must speak clearly, without filters, without hiding. Is this my duty? As an artist, as a woman, as a creature, I fee trap, I feel like I am in a never-ending loop, everything repeats itself, it is inevitable! as if we are insomniacs who are trapped by events that continue to chase us relentlessly (the same mistakes, the same failures, the same days, the same routine, the same choices, the same fears, the same emotional and physical pain). This repetition makes us feel mechanical, as if we were mere machines that have been programed to repeat the same routines time and again. This is followed by the fascinating moment that I focus on – the moment of breach and escape, in which only extreme actions can enable us to escape from the chains of despair, helplessness and distress that bind us. The main question is how this recurrence transpires? Is it external to us or situated deep within our internal consciousness? How do we perceive it and how and when can the cycle be broken, if at all?
Does the attempt to change require use of violence and provocation, or is it compassion, acceptance and patience that is necessary? Can it simply be a powerful passion that is shapeless and impossible to imitate?
LA FUGA Project started as a solo work
Developed in La MaMa artists program in Italia at 2016
You can watch the first variations here